follow me as theKamiRenee

Monday, November 15, 2010

Another day, another play

J-popcon is FINALLY over.
Leading up to it.. there've been alot of stress, before and doing, but overall... yeah it was ... a con.
It was nice hanging out with friends, bonding more, meeting new people and all that stuff.

But there was alot that J-popcon also failed, when it came to security and whatnot. Not gonna get into that though.

Friday night I got to finish Lea and Zuum's, Dark and Krad wig. And imo... they were amazing.
I really outdid myself, truely.
Of course there's room for improvement, always.
Especially the Dark wig, but it was borrowed, so we weren't allowed to cut it too much.

Friday I was Kiris, and my sister Raenef, but never got any pictures of her. So stupid >A<;;

Friday and Saturday we mostly hung around my azn slaves, and some new ones (joking joking :P)
But really... it was awesome, and my sister really got social, which I loved :D

And one of my only purchases... my darling husband, Light Yagami <3
Team Kira forever!

Look at her cute smile <3 ^

--> More costume updates hides at my cosplay blog <--


  1. Yay J-popcon ville overhovedet ikke ha' været sjov hvis du ikke var der =w= Sankyou~
    Hehe men ja så er det godt Zuum køber sin egen Dark wig så den kan blive total meget mere awesome end den anden :D

    Jeg ville gerne ha' taget billede af dig og din søs men det var lidt svært når hun hele tiden gemte sig ^^' Men ja hun blev meget mere social i løbet af weekenden :3 Du er en total sød storesøster haha! Jeg var sådan helt.. "Aaw.." da du fortalte du havde lavet cosplay til hende og al mulig.. En helt ny side af Kami jeg lige så der lissom Ô.Ô

    HAHA azn slaves!! XD

  2. Congrats on your new man! 8D May you be happy for evarh and evarh.

    We'll just dress Louise up someday, si? >3
